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MNRE Amends Guidelines for Solar Power Program in Tribal Villages

-The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has revised guidelines for the solar power program targeting particularly vulnerable tribal group (PVTG) habitations under the Prime Minister’s Jan Shakti Nidhi initiative.

-The program, with a budget of ₹5.15 billion, aims to provide clean and reliable electricity to underserved PVTG communities through solar mini-grids.

-Amendments allow for the installation of solar mini-grids to electrify clusters of households, expanding the scope beyond individual solar home lighting systems.

-Each unelectrified household covered under the mini-grid will receive financial support of up to ₹50,000 from MNRE.

-The revised guidelines introduce flexibility by permitting both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) modes for mini-grid deployment.

-MNRE will continue to provide financial support in both modes, ensuring equitable access to subsidized solar power solutions.

-Implementing agencies can secure additional funding from state governments in the CAPEX mode, providing more options for deployment based on local conditions.

Originally published on Mercom India

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