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Green Hydrogen Demand Assessment For C&I Consumers in India

Hydrogen Energy’s Docs Green Hydrogen Demand Assessment For C&I Consumers in India

© WWF-India 2024
Published by WWF-India
Reproduction is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated.
WWF-India: Apoorva Santhosh, Kalyan Verma, Vishal Dev
ICF India: Sushmita Ajwani, Vineet Kumar, Karuna Pande

This report has been prepared by WWF-India with research and inputs from ICF India, based on publicly available information and data gathered from different sources. WWF-India and ICF India disclaim any and all liability for the use
that may be made of the information contained in this report. While the experts and organizations listed in the acknowledgements and appendix have provided inputs for the development of this report, their participation does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the report’s contents or conclusions. The tables and charts in the report are based on the available
data accessed from various reliable sources. The sources have been duly recognized in the report. Further, the views in the
document do not necessarily reflect those of WWF-India or ICF-India

List of Figures 4
List of Tables 5
Abbreviations 6
Executive Summary 9
1. Introduction 15
2. Hydrogen Demand in India 17
2.1 Sectors driving hydrogen demand 17
2.2 Regional concentration of demand centres 19
2.3 Key Consumers and Suppliers 20
3. Hydrogen Demand Projection 23
3.1 Natural gas market in India: Historical and forecasted growth 23
3.2 Industries dependent on hydrogen 24
3.3 Future demand for hydrogen and key growth drivers (C&I) 26
3.4 Identifying green hydrogen ‘early adopter’ sectors 50
3.5 Ongoing developments, tie-ups, and pilot projects 52
4. Hydrogen production technologies and pricing 56
4.1 Hydrogen production methods 56
4.2 Cost of producing hydrogen through SMR method 57
4.3 Cost of producing hydrogen in Chloralkali plants 58
4.4 Cost of producing green hydrogen 59
4.5 Cost viability of green hydrogen for C&I players in India 61
5. Infrastructure requirements for hydrogen supply 63
5.1 Central Plant and Storage 63
5.2 Transportation 66
5.3 Modes of hydrogen supply 70
6. India’s policy ecosystem and the impact on green hydrogen adoption 72
6.1 Green Hydrogen Policy, 2022 72
6.2 National Green Hydrogen Mission 73
6.3 Review of current regulations for supply of hydrogen (PESO rules) 74
7. Policy recommendations 77
7.1 Key issues/gaps 77
7.2 Stakeholder Consultations 78
7.3 Policy Recommendations 81


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