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Navigation System for Site Technicians: Easy Access to Defective Modules


PV solar power system output reached a new level of 270 TWh in 2022, a 26% increase over 2021. Solar PV contributed 4.5% of total worldwide power generation and the percentage is increasing continuously1. So, solar power plants are often vast and sprawling, making it challenging for site technicians to quickly locate and address issues with specific modules. Navigating efficiently and reaching defective modules is crucial for timely maintenance and maximizing energy generation. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of a navigation system for site technicians and how it can simplify accessing and resolving issues with common solar panel defects in solar power plants.

solar module and solar panel

The Challenges of Locating Defective Solar Modules

You will need more solar panels to create more power as you want to capture as much sunshine as you can. Solar panel uses a lot of space and it is the main challenge to locate defective solar modules.  Solar power plants can span vast areas, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of modules. For example, the Bhadla Solar Park is a solar plant in Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India. It spans 56 square kilometers and has a total installed capacity of 2,245 megawatts (MW), making it the world’s largest solar park by 202345. When a defect or performance issue arises such kinds of a large solar park, site technicians face the challenge of identifying the exact location of the problematic module within the plant. This process can be time-consuming and may delay addressing the issue, leading to decreased energy generation and potential financial losses.

solar photovoltaic module

Benefits of a Navigation System for Site Technicians

Implementing a navigation system specifically designed for site technicians can significantly improve their ability to locate and access defective modules. Here are some key benefits:

1. Time Efficiency: A navigation system equipped with real-time location tracking enables site technicians to quickly identify the precise location of defective solar panels. By providing the shortest and most efficient route, technicians can navigate the plant with ease, reducing response times and maximizing productivity. A GPS-based solar tracking method is employed to produce the most electricity and its tracking system uses less time to navigate the solar module and solar panel.

2. Enhanced Accuracy:  Accurate navigation systems eliminate guesswork and potential errors in locating solar photovoltaic modules. Site technicians can rely on precise directions to reach the exact location, minimizing the chances of addressing the wrong module or wasting time searching for the correct one.

defective solar panels

3.  Optimal Resource Allocation: Efficient navigation systems allow solar asset management companies to optimize resource allocation. By providing technicians with clear directions, companies can assign tasks more effectively, minimizing idle time and ensuring that the right technician reaches the defect site promptly.

4. Streamlined Communication: Navigation systems equipped with communication features enable seamless interaction between site technicians and central operations. Technicians can provide real-time updates, share images or notes, and receive guidance or support as needed. This streamlines the troubleshooting process and ensures effective collaboration.

pv solar power system

Implementing GPS Tracking for Site Technicians

When implementing GPS tracking for site technicians, several considerations are essential:

  1. Real-Time Location Tracking: The navigation system should incorporate real-time location tracking capabilities, allowing for precise positioning of technicians within the solar power plant. This information can be displayed on a map interface to guide technicians to the desired module location.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The navigation system should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface to ensure ease of use for technicians. Clear instructions, visual cues, and simple controls enhance usability and reduce the learning curve for new users.
  3. Integration with Plant Monitoring Systems: Integration with plant monitoring systems and asset management platforms enhances the functionality of the navigation system. This integration enables technicians to access module performance data, historical records, and maintenance logs, providing valuable context while troubleshooting issues.
  4. Mobile Compatibility: A mobile-compatible navigation system allows technicians to access directions and updates on their smartphones or tablets. Mobile compatibility ensures flexibility, convenience, and ease of use, enabling technicians to navigate the solar power plant hands-free.


A navigation system specifically designed for site technicians enhances their ability to locate and access defective solar modules in solar power plants efficiently. By providing real-time location tracking, accurate directions, and streamlined communication, a navigation system simplifies the troubleshooting process, reduces response times, and maximizes energy generation. Solar asset management companies can optimize resource allocation, improve productivity, and mitigate potential financial losses by implementing a robust and user-friendly navigation system for their site technicians.

Originally published at

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