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What is PID in Solar PV Panels?

In the ever-expanding realm of solar energy, there exists a hidden menace that can quietly erode the efficiency of your solar panels over time – Potential Induced Degradation, or PID. In this comprehensive article, we will embark on a journey to demystify the enigma that is PID. We’ll explore its significance within the realm of solar PV systems, understand the implications it can have on energy production, return on investment, and maintenance costs, and finally, delve into strategies to mitigate its impact.

What is Potential Induced Degradation (PID)?

PID, which stands for Potential Induced Degradation, is a big problem for crystalline silicon solar panels. This issue can cause the panels to lose their performance, with degradation reaching as high as 30% or even up to 70% in some cases.

Potential Induced Degradation happens when the negative electric charge in the panels interacts with the ground, causing a decrease in efficiency. This issue arises internally in the solar modules a few days or weeks after installation.

To understand PID, it’s helpful to know how solar panels generate electricity. A panel is made up of layers and individual photovoltaic cells that exchange charges, creating an electric field inside.

In a solar project, multiple panels connected together form a string. This string has a negative side and a positive side, linked by an inverter that produces AC voltage. When compared to the ground, the voltage has negative and positive potential. The negative potential is what triggers PID in a solar cell. Normally, photons enable electrons to flow towards the cell’s connector, creating a current.

However, the negative potential attracts positive ions like sodium ions in the cell. This causes surface polarization and shunting. The movement occurs from the glass plate through the encapsulation and anti-reflective coating to the cell. This interrupts the flow of electrons, affecting the generation of electricity and leading to a decrease in the panel’s power capacity.

After a few weeks or months, PID affects the entire negative side of the string. The most negatively charged panel can lose 30-80% of its yield. PID spreads over time, affecting more cells and turning them black. The speed of PID depends on the system voltage, humidity levels, and cell temperature. It can be reversible or irreversible, causing significant problems at all stages of a PV system, from financing to operations. To ensure the solar panel system functions well throughout its life cycle, it’s crucial for solar investors to address PID early on.

Importance of PID in Solar PV Systems

1. Reduced Energy Production:

PID can lead to a significant reduction in the energy output of your solar panels. This translates into decreased electricity generation, which may not align initial with your expectations for energy production.

2. Lower Return on Investment (ROI):

As energy production drops due to PID, the return on investment for your solar PV system diminishes. This means that the cost-effectiveness of your installation may be compromised over time.

3. Increased Maintenance Costs:

Systems affected by PID often require more frequent maintenance and component replacements. This results in higher operational costs, potentially impacting the overall financial viability of your solar PV system.

Unveiling the Causes and Mechanisms of PID

To effectively address PID, it’s essential to understand how it occurs and the contributing factors:

1. Understanding How PID Occurs:

PID is a gradual deterioration of solar PV module performance due to high voltage stress. It occurs when an electrical potential difference exists between the solar cells and the grounded frame of the PV module. This voltage stress encourages the flow of electrical current, leading to ion migration within the solar cells. Over time, these ion migrations can create defects within the cells, reducing their efficiency.

2. Factors Contributing to PID (Temperature, Humidity, Voltage):

Several factors contribute to the development and progression of PID:

High Temperatures:

PID is exacerbated by high temperatures, as they increase the mobility of ions within the cells. This is particularly problematic in regions with hot climates.

High Humidity Levels:

High humidity levels can accelerate PID by providing a conducive environment for ion migration. It tends to be more pronounced in regions with elevated humidity.

Elevated Voltage Levels:

PID is often associated with elevated voltage levels, which typically occur during periods of high solar radiation. This is often attributed to system design and inadequate grounding.

Strategies for Detecting and Diagnosing PID

Detecting and diagnosing PID are pivotal for timely intervention and effective mitigation. Let’s explore the methods and importance of these processes:

1. Methods for Detecting PID:

Electroluminescence Imaging: This method involves capturing images of the solar cells at night using infrared cameras to identify defects and potential PID issues. It offers a visual insight into the condition of your solar panels.

I-V Curve Analysis: I-V Curve Analysis compares the current voltage (I-V) characteristics of the PV modules over time. This analysis can help identify deviations from expected performance, providing early warnings of PID development.

2. The Importance of Regular Inspections and Maintenance:

Regular inspections and maintenance, conducted by qualified professionals, are critical for identifying and mitigating PID. These inspections should include visual checks, electrical measurements, and data analysis. Early detection can prevent further degradation and optimize the system’s performance, potentially saving you from costly repairs down the line.

Effective PID Mitigation Techniques

Mitigating PID is essential for preserving the efficiency and longevity of your solar PV system. Here are some proven strategies:

1. Certified PID-Resistant Modules:

Some manufacturers offer PID-resistant modules explicitly designed to withstand voltage stress and minimize ion migration. Investing in these modules can be highly effective in preventing PID.

2. Grounding and Polarization Techniques:

Proper grounding and polarization techniques can help mitigate PID by reducing the voltage potential between the solar cells and the module’s frame. This involves ensuring a solid electrical connection between the modules and the grounding system.

3. Isolation Transformers:

Installing isolation transformers between the strings and inverters can help manage voltage distribution and minimize PID risks. These transformers play a crucial role in maintaining voltage levels within safe limits.

4. Material Upgrades and Anti-PID Equipment:

Companies are introducing encapsulation materials and glass with lower sodium composition to combat PID. Additionally, specialized anti-PID equipment is available to prevent this issue from taking hold.


Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is indeed a formidable challenge within the realm of solar PV systems. However, armed with knowledge and the right strategies, you can protect your solar investment from its detrimental effects. By implementing proactive measures such as using PID-resistant modules, proper grounding, and regular inspections, you can ensure that your solar PV system operates at peak efficiency for years to come. Embrace these measures, and let your solar panels continue to be a source of clean and renewable energy, unaffected by the shadow of PID.

Originally published at

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